Saturday, February 22, 2003

My Amritapuri Experience: Introduction

This is a serialized record of my experiences with Amma in Amritapuri. These blogs may be of interest to those invested in religion/spirituality in general and Amma in particular.

Amma is Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. I look upon Her as God, Guru and the Self. However, I am currently situated on the distant outer margins of the spiritual involute and so my regard for Amma, such as it is, is more likely to stain than reflect Her glory. True regard can only be manifested when one has integrated all of Her teachings into one's daily life and I am a long way off from being able to do that.

I am a novice on the blogging circuit and am likely to maintain that status for the foreseeable future. I embark on this exercise with considerable trepidation, not knowing what risks lie in train. I hope not to attract too much attention, positive or negative. If these blogs sink without a trace, I shall be happy to have met at least one of my aims - to stay nondescript. If I crave anonymity that much, why am I posting at all? Especially to a dangerously wide audience as this one? I created these blogs primarily so I could see all of my previously scattered output in one place and secondarily, in the hope of connecting with and possibly providing some marginal utility to others who are inward-bound like myself.

Unless they get too numerous (an unlikely event in my prognostication), I expect to read all comments that are posted. However, I will respond to comments only rarely, if at all. This is not out of any disrespect but merely a hard acknowledgement of the constraints that life imposes on my time and attention.

And now, with a prayer on my lips invoking Amma's Grace, I move to push this little rubber dinghy out to sea...

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